Launch an Effective Email Campaign
8 Lessons (35m)
- Introduction
- Defining Your Goals
- Collaborating with Other Teams
- Building a Timeline
- Sourcing Your Visual Inspiration
- Building a Creative Brief
- Linking and Scheduling
- Final Thoughts
- Size Guide
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About This Class
Build an effective email marketing strategy around your campaign or product launch with NGNG Marketing Agency founder and creative director, Brooke Milo!
As one of the key parts of any marketing strategy, email marketing can be intimidating for even the most seasoned marketing professionals. But, it doesn’t have to be! Join Brooke as she walks you through her process for executing an email marketing strategy to achieve amazing results for your team and have fun along the way!
Together with Brooke, you will:
- Define your campaign goals
- Identify the teams you’ll need to work with and the information you’ll need to gather
- Build out an email marketing calendar and timeline
- Create the creative briefs that lead to the execution of your email
- Learn how to link and schedule each email
Whether you’re an email marketing manager that wants to freshen up your skills or a content strategist that is just learning the ropes of email marketing, this class is for you!
This class is designed to welcome students of all levels.
Project Instructions
Build your own email marketing strategy!
Follow along with the lessons in order to know exactly how to plan, structure, and schedule a full email marketing campaign. If you completed the worksheets along the way—you got this! Be sure to post your email marketing strategy in the Project Gallery.
If you’d rather, post a reflection on the Discussion Board of how this has helped you in your own work.
I’m here to answer any questions that may pop up along the way, and can’t wait to see what you come up with!
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- Get Inspired
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