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TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress


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    6 Akses Template Kits Elementor

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TNC FlipBook - PDF viewer for WordPress viewer and Flipbook mode

Convert PDFs to FlipBook and Embed on WordPress by TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress. With this WordPress plugin, You can display and embed PDF files of your WordPress website with a modern PDF viewer and Interactive Flip Book Style.

You can use it for any kind of PDF like eBooks, Flyers, Brochures, Restaurant Menus, Product Catalog, Product Manuals, Product Documentation, Service Quote, Business Proposal, SEO Reports, Resume, Reports, University Thesis, and any other PDFs you may have. Programming skills are NOT required to use TNC FlipBook WordPress plugin By ThemeNcode.

Actively maintained and supported since 2014 By ThemeNcode Dev Team
ShortName: TNC FlipBook / TNcFlipbook / #TNcFlipbook

What is TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress?

TNC Flipbook – PDF viewer for WordPress is a simple WordPress plugin that provides a nice interface to view pdf files on your WordPress site. Now you can embed pdf files with a nice viewer directly on any page/post of your WordPress website. Also, It comes with various shortcodes that allow you to embed a PDF viewer or create a link to the pdf viewer with a text or an image easily.

This is a great & useful plugin if you want to display pdf files of your site with the best viewer in WordPress. It comes with page navigation, Download, Print, Presentation mode & lot more cool tools.

Here is a list of features:

  1. Automatically find pdf links & activate viewer if you choose that option.
  2. FlipBook View makes it look more appealing.
  3. Flip Sound gives you the feeling of changing pages of a real book.
  4. Translatable into 100+ Languages
  5. 3 different ways of scrolling and a FlipBook
  6. Fully Customizable PDF Viewer. Customize the colors of the viewer to match your site’s color combination.
  7. Change the placement of the toolbar. There are 4 different positions where you can put your toolbar. It can be full width or center aligned too
  8. Icon size can be changed. From small, medium, and large icon sizes choose the one that suits your viewer.
  9. Embed pdf with a feature-rich viewer on WordPress page/post
  10. Feature Rich Admin Panel & Shortcodes
  11. Share pdf on social networks
  12. Send link to friend via email
  13. Enable/Disable social sharing
  14. Enable/Disable Print Option
  15. Enable/Disable Download Option
  16. Enable/Disable Presentation mode
  17. Enable/Disable Find Option
  18. Enable/Disable Logo
  19. Enable/Disable Zoom
  20. Enable/Disable Page Navigation
  21. Enable/Disable auto-linking of pdf links to viewer
  22. Brand viewer with you own logo
  23. Create different viewer with different logo
  24. Logo links to the homepage of your site
  25. Set favicons on your viewer page
  26. 3 Shortcodes with lots of parameters.
  27. Shortcode for viewing pdf file on any post/page
  28. Shortcode to add a text link to your pdf file on any post/page
  29. Fully Responsive PDF viewer
  30. Style & Customize all the single items.
  31. Compatible with most modern browsers
  32. Works with almost all the page builders
  33. Fast & smooth user experience
  34. Retain Image Quality
  35. No Third Party links, install the viewer on your website.
  36. No Limitation of pdf size
  37. It uses jQuery to replace url’s automatically which won’t affect on your Site’s SEO if you use the plugin on the old site.


Check out the Video Preview, Live Preview, and Try your own PDFs.

Lifetime Updates

Lifetime Deal
Buy Extended License and Get Lifetime Support as a special offer from ThemeNcode. Now Only $151

Why Choose TNC FlipBook PDF viewer for WordPress?


TNC FlipBook - PDF Viewer for WordPress Responsive Flipbook
TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress is a top-notch FlipBook plugin that allows you to showcase your PDFs in a stunning FlipBook format on your WordPress website. This plugin offers a fully functional FlipBook, allowing your visitors to have a more interactive reading experience. The FlipBook enables users to easily navigate through pages by flipping them like a real book. Check out the Live Preview.


Easily Customizable PDF viewer and Flipbook
Customize the pdf viewer with your brand colors. Also, you can select different viewing modes for individual PDF files. TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress provides you with the flexibility to create a unique and cohesive PDF reading experience on your website, making it an ideal tool for businesses, educational institutions, and individuals looking to share PDF files with their audience. Check out the Live Preview.


TNC FlipBook PDF viewer for WordPress toolbar options
Print, Download, Zoom, Page nav, share, Rotate, Open, Presentation mode, Find, and many other toolbar options with the flexibility to show or hide them. The ability to access a range of tools from the toolbar makes it easy for users to interact with the PDF file without leaving the viewer. It also provides users with the flexibility to customize their viewing experience to suit their needs. Check out the Live Preview.


TNC FlipBook PDF viewer for WordPress No Size Limit Image
There is no limit in terms of file size or the number of files you want to upload on your WordPress website. TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress can work with any size of PDF file. So you can show as many large files as you want and also this plugin can show those PDF files as a FlipBook automatically if you choose that mode. Check out the Live Preview.


Cross Browser & OS Compatible
Works with major browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Edge, on any operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android).

This plugin will solve the issue of PDF files appearing differently on different browsers and makes the website more user-friendly. Check out the Live Preview.


Very important for some languages. If you want to show a pdf document that needs to be read from right to left, It’s a must.

25+ Specific Demos
PDF Viewer Demo Styles
PDF Viewer Default Demo Styles

PDF Viewer Custom Color Styles

PDF Viewer Theme Specific Styles

PDF viewer Feature Specific Styles

PDF Viewer Protection Specific Styles

PDF Viewer Purpose Specific Styles


One Click Updates
Updating the TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for the WordPress plugin is just a matter of a click. Once you get the plugin you can update it with just a click for your whole lifetime. Needlessly to mention that this plugin is regularly updated so you will not find any kind of compatibility issue with this plugin.


Well Documented
Using TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress is very easy. But to make it even easier we have prepared full text and video documentation. You will know everything about using this plugin. Also, this documentation is available publicly. You can read them even without buying the plugin.


TNC FlipBook - PDF viewer for WordPress - 1
“TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress” provides real-time support through our support portal. So, you are always safe.


WP File Access Manager

WP File Access Manager

Need to restrict access to PDF Viewers by user/login status/user roles? Get WP File Access Manager for this. It also integrates with WooCommerce and Paid Memberships pro plugins. Get it now

2. Oxygen Builder

TNcFlipbook – PDF viewer for WordPress 10.9.0 works with Oxygen Builder. More details on the integration are available on our docs.

Available Addons:

Display – TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress Addon

Display - TNC FlipBook - PDF viewer for WordPress Addon

With this addon, you can present your PDF files as a bookshelf, a list, or a grid of items, depending on your preferred display style. This addon is particularly useful for websites that frequently share PDF documents, such as ebooks, brochures, product catalogs, or research papers. Get it now

Preview – TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress Addon

Preview - TNC FlipBook - PDF viewer for WordPress Addon
Create a partial view for your PDF viewers and apply restriction methods also with this Addon. Only the permitted users can read the full PDF and other visitors will see the partial PDF. Get it now

Divi PDF viewer for WordPress

Divi - TNC FlipBook - PDF viewer for WordPress Addon
This Addon will make the use of TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress easier for Divi builder users. It has 6 modules that enable you to show PDFs on your website in six different ways. Get it now

Elementor – TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress Addon

Elementor - TNC FlipBook - PDF viewer for WordPress Addon
Want to embed a PDF viewer on your WordPress website using Elementor? This is just the Addon you need. Simple yet a very useful solution if you are an Elementor user. Get it now

WPBakery – TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress Addon

WPBakery - TNC FlipBook - PDF viewer for WordPress Addon

If you are a user of WPBakery and TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress, this addon will help you a lot. Embedding or displaying PDF viewers hasn’t been simpler than this. Get it now

Avada – TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress Addon

Avada - PDF viewer for WordPress Addon
Newest edition on the Addons list of TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress. This Addon is a lifesaver for Avada builder users. It will provide 6 elements for Avada builder to work with TNC FlipBook. Get it now

Navigative – TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress Addon

Navigative - TNC FlipBook - PDF viewer for WordPress Addon
Generate PDF viewers dynamically. No need to create separate PDF viewers now. If you use this addon, it will show PDF viewers from the same page. PDF viewer names will be visible in the right sidebar. Get it now

PDF Viewer Happy Users
TNC FlipBook - PDF viewer for WordPress Customer Reviews

Final Words:

In conclusion, our team of dedicated developers is committed to continuous research and enhancement of this plugin, ensuring that it remains at the cutting edge of functionality and user experience. Don’t miss the opportunity to integrate the “TNC FlipBook” into your next #WordPress website and unlock its full potential.

With our constant efforts to improve and innovate, we guarantee a seamless and engaging flipping experience for your visitors.

So, Why are you waiting for? Buy it Now or Recommend it.

Happy Flipping
ThemeNcode Team


11.3.0 (1 September 2023)

* Fixed issue with plain permalink structure
* Improved JS file for conflict
* Fixed a warning coming up for return link text
* Misc. other updates & improvements
0 reviews

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