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Vikinger – BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community


5 sold in last 22 hours
  • Super Complete Profile Pages
  • Extensive Gamification
  • PSD Illustrations Included

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    No. Keterangan
    1 Full akses selama 1 (satu) bulan
    2 Semua Theme dan Plugin original lisensi GNU/GPL
    3 Gratis update selama aktif menjadi member
    4 Direct Download Links
    5 Standard Support
    6 Bisa diperpanjang

    Berlaku selama 1 (satu) bulan

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    No. Keterangan
    1 Full akses selama 6 (enam) bulan
    2 Semua Theme dan Plugin original lisensi GNU/GPL
    3 Gratis update selama aktif menjadi member
    4 Direct Download Links
    5 Priority Support
    6 Akses Template Kits Elementor

    Berlaku selama 6 (enam) bulan

    Bebas download sepuasnya dan digunakan untuk banyak website.

    No. Keterangan
    1 Full akses selama 1 (satu) tahun
    2 Semua Theme dan Plugin original lisensi GNU/GPL
    3 Gratis update selama aktif menjadi member
    4 Direct Download Links
    5 Priority Support
    6 Akses Template Kits Elementor

    Berlaku selama 1 (satu) tahun

    Bebas download sepuasnya dan digunakan untuk banyak website.

    No. Keterangan
    1 Full akses selamanya tanpa batas waktu
    2 Semua Theme dan Plugin original lisensi GNU/GPL
    3 Gratis update selama aktif menjadi member
    4 Direct Download Links
    5 Premium Support 24/7
    6 Akses Template Kits Elementor

    Berlaku selamanya tanpa batas waktu

    Bebas download sepuasnya dan digunakan untuk banyak website.

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Vikinger – BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community WordPress Theme

The Next Generation WordPress + Buddypress Social Community!

We carefully designed this theme for you to have all you need to build an incredible community with full profiles, reactions, groups, badges, quests, ranks, credits and much more to come!

The Best Way to Connect With Your Friends!

BuddyPress Powered Social Community We took advantage and expanded the Buddypress plugin with reactions, shares, media, and much more!

Incredible Gamification with Gamipress We created a full gamification experience with badges, quests, credits and ranks to create an awesome experience!

Super Detailed Design Elements & Pages All pages are carefully crafted to fit all you may need! Also, we included lots of illustrations and elements PSD’s!

Super Complete Profile & Newsfeed Pages

We created a super complete profile page with a sleek design, boxes and a slider for easier access to all profile sections like: about, images, badges unlocked, quests completed, posts and more!. You’ll also find other community pages, like newsfeed, complete profile settings, members and groups directory and more!.

Totally Revamped Profile Status Updates!

We totally revamped the Buddypress status update box! Easily upload photos, GIFs. post status updates, edit your posts, and even link Youtube videos just by pasting the URL!!
You’ll count with a wide range of both status update and activity posts (like when someone becomes your friend). You’ll also have the option to mark your posts as pinned or favourite, all easily recognizable with our custom icons!

Express Yourself with Post Reactions!

Because we know how important it is, we created a reactions BuddyPress plugin specificaly for the Vikinger theme and with reactions illustrations designed by us!
You’ll get 8 different reactions: Like, Love, Dislike, Happy, Funny, Wow, Angry and Sad. We integrated seamlesly with BuddyPress so you can, not only react to profile posts, but also to profile comments and replies!

Easily Share Posts with Our Share Function

We created a new share activity and functionality so you can quickly share on your profile stream one of your friend’s activity!
If there’s a post you like, simply click the “Share” button at the bottom and a popup will open to show the chosen post and a status update box to add your thoughts! If you want, you can even share your own posts! Quickly add new information or just bring back some old post you wanna talk about again!

Gamipress: Badges Gamification

Using the Gamipress Achievements feature we designed a badges system where you can unlock them and earn credits to unlock profile ranks! You can also proudly show them in your profile with the badges widget!
We included a PSD with lots of badge designs so you can have fun and also, the badges are made with PS vectors, so you can custome them any way you want, or even create new ones!

Gamipress: Quests Gamification

Using the Gamipress Achievements feature we also designed a quests system where you can complete them and earn credits to unlock profile ranks! Like the badges, you can proudly show them in your profile with the quests widget!
We included a PSD with lots of quest medals colors so you can have fun and also, the medals are made with PS vectors, so you can custome them any way you want, or even create new ones!

Gamipress: Credits Gamification

Using the Gamipress Points feature we created three different credits: Gold, Gems and Emeralds. Use them to unlock new ranks and level up! You can proudly show them in your profile with the credits widget and also you’ll be able to always see your current balance on the top bar.
We included a PSD with the three credits and also, they are all made with PS vectors, so you can custome them any way you want, or even create new ones!

Gamipress: Ranks Gamification

Using the Gamipress Ranks feature we created a 6 ranks system where you can “level up” by collecting credits and completing requirements! We’ve also linked your rank number and progress to profile avatars! You’ll be able to quickly see each user’s rank and progress via the outter progress bar.
As with the others, we also included a PSD with the 6 rank shields. All are made with PS vectors, so you can custome them any way you want, or even create new ones!

Amazing Blog Page with Reactions

A complete blog with 3 different views: list, small grid and big grid to help people quicly search their favourite post. We prepared different post types like: standard, video, audio and gallery and three different open post views.
Also, like with the Buddypress post updates, we added reactions so people can show what they think about it!

Illustrations, SVG Icons and Avatars Included!

Yes! We’re including all illustration elements like the credits, rank shields, badges, quest tokens, section banners, the landing illustrations and a lot more inside the pack in PSD files and made with PS vectors so you can easily customize them with a few clicks!
We’re also including all SVG icons and 16 avatars (15 people and 1 smiley). Please keep in mind that this are just the illustration elements, not the complate pages PSDs!

Incredible Groups with Easy Management

So your users don’t have to make changes via the WordPress panel, we created an author hub where they can easily change their avatar, cover photo, social networks, personal information, and much more!

Stylish Author Hub Management

Easily create and manage Buddypress groups! Inside the author hub we created an stylish management system so you can easily create and manage your groups, promote authors to mods or admins, check invitations, and more!

This Theme has React Elements Integrated!

Please read the description below to understand a little more about what this means!
We used React to make several parts of the template more dynamic, allowing users to interact with these parts without having to wait for a page reload, improving user experience. For example, a user can filter activities, add them to his favorites or pin it, react and comment on it, all without a single page refresh.

This also means that certain plugins or addons that may work out of the box with the default WordPress, BuddyPress or GamiPress, may not work without us adding support for them for our theme.

You can check every functionality that our Vikinger theme includes by visiting the live preview we created.

As part of our documentation, we created a lot of videos to help you with the setup and customization of every part of our theme, you can check all those videos here on the top banner.
Please ask us all questions that you need before buying!

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