Frequently Asked Questions
Semua item WordPress seperti plugin dan tema dilisensikan di bawah Lisensi Publik Umum (GPL). Ini berarti bahwa setelah kami membeli item tersebut, kami bebas untuk mendistribusikannya kembali jika kami memilih untuk melakukannya. Keanggotaan Anda ke situs kami digunakan untuk mempertahankan dan membeli langganan pembuat tema dan plugin pihak ke-3. Bentuk pendanaan kerumunan ini membantu menjaga harga tetap rendah dan kami kemudian dapat meneruskan manfaat ini kepada Anda.
- If you have purchased a single product(s), then you can visit “My Account > Downloads” tab to download your products.
- If you have purchased any membership plan, then you can download the product by visiting the product listing page. The default ”Download Cart” button will be replaced by the download button for all the products listed at our website. You can Directly download by Clicking the download button.
Basically Not. But We provide basic support for installing plugins and themes. If you require technical support regarding a theme or plugin then you will need to either purchase the product directly from the author or you will need to hire a freelancer to take a look for you. Alternatively you could ask us for paid help.
Not offering support is the way in which we are able to offer the products at the discounted price.